DSPPA (Italia) All-in-One Amplifier MP8735
Rated Power: 350W/ 520W
Zone output: 6 zone/100V
Sinal noise ratio: 80dB (AUX); 70dB (MIC)
Prequency Response: 80Hz - 15kHz (MIC)
Prequency Response: 50Hz - 20kHz (AUX)
Output mode: 70V, 100V or 4 - 16 Ohms
Tone Bass: +/- 10dB (100Hz); Treble: +/- 10dB (10kHz)
Muting funtion: MIC 1 and AUX 1 overrides other input signals with 1 ~ 30dB attenuation
Dimenstion (LxWxH): 430 x 420 x 132 mm
Gross weight: 25.7 kg
Made in China